Selasa, 23 November 2010


Posted by andre valentino On 00.00 0 komentar

Advertisement : Information persuade and inetivate people so that attracted to service and things that offer.
Fungtion of advertisement :
1. Fromotion
2. Communication
3. Information

We can find the advertisement on newspaper, tabloid, Magazine,
Radio, television, billboard, etc.

Kinds of advertisement :
1. Family advertisement.
2. Announcement advertisement.
3. Invitation advertisement.
4. Reques advertisement.
5. Offer advertisement.
6. Sponsor advertisement.
7. Article advertisement.

In making an advertisement, keep the following points :
1. The contents of advertisement must objective and honest.
2. Short and clean.
3. Doesn’t allude other group or producer.
4. Use word that polite and loaical.
5. Attract attention.

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